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Rate their DORA status

Check your needs, those of your stakeholders and the needs of your ICT providers for regulatory compliance requirements.


Arrange an analysis meeting

We speak to each other for 30 minutes, , to get to know each other and to determine your current information security level in relation to DORA. We will then explain the ideal path to DORA compliance that suits your size and needs.


Know and choose your options

You can choose either a standard or bespoke training offering or a fully customized consulting service, we will execute the desired solution.


Meet the more secure you

Based on your optimizations and deeper information security knowledge, you will have a higher level of cyber security and operational resiliencez achieved, die verifiable DORA-Compliance reinforces their trust in your organization and also the trust of customers that your company runs with lower risks as well as interruptions.

Consulting for DORA

Our process at a glance

Gerne arbeite ich beim nächsten Projekt wieder mit Herrn Salvador und Team zusammen. Danke und alles Gute!

Andreas Freitag, BMW AG

Mein TISAX® Audit verlief reibungslos und war auf Anhieb erfolgreich, wir konnten unsere Informationssicherheit gemäß TISAX® nachweisen und können damit nun neue Automotive-Kunden gewinnen.

Lücken in unserer Vorbereitung bzw. Prüfung wurden zeitnah geschlossen und Dokumente in hoher Qualität wurden von Opexa geliefert. Das Team um Klaus Höllerer, Klaus Kilvinger und Thomas Salvador kann ich nur empfehlen.

Dr. Samir Kadunic, MAASU GmbH

Bei der Prüfung von Kundenanforderungen im Bereich TISAX® gab es dringenden Beratungsbedarf im Unternehmen. Dank der Hilfe der Opexa Advisory GmbH konnten wir unsere Kundenanforderungen erfüllen und zudem unsere Ziele mit einer deutlichen Kostenersparnis erreichen.

Die Opexa Advisory ist wegen der langjährigen Automotive-Erfahrung, dem Projekt Know-how und ihrer kompetenten, effizienten und unkomplizierten Unterstützung der ideale Partner.

Herbert Schmidt, Dennemeyer & Co. GmbH

What our clients have to say

Common questions about Financial Services Consulting

We already meet other standards (e.g. ISO 27001, BAIT, VAIT, KAIT) is that an advantage?

This gives you a clear advantage, since an organisational, professional and technical basis for the extended measures according to DORA has already been laid and time and costs are saved.

If an integrated view of the required processes, documents or guidelines and use of the required management systems is possible, so much the better!  

However, you must still be able to demonstrate compliance with the respective standards in the specific audits. 

How long does it take to implement DORA?

Depending on the size, locations, countries, operational quality, structure and measures/standards already implemented in information security, this can take up to 24 months.

Who needs to implement DORA?

Not only the financial institutions but also their third-party ICT providers are expected to implement es to mitigate the risks associated with cyber threats.

What other benefits can we expect?

Your overall information security resilience improves and you have better protection against cyber risks. 

In addition, top management would take personal risks related to compliance and liability if no demonstrable measures are taken to improve and maintain adequate information security to ensure operational resilience.

Erhebliche Senkung des Aufwands und der Kosten

Drastische Beschleunigung des Prozesses

Entlastung der internen Teams, die Fachabteilungen können sich auf strategische Aufgaben und Verhandlungen fokussieren

Transparente, einfache Abrechnung auf Basis einer Onboarding-Pauschale und der Dokumentenmenge, die Kosten skalieren mit der Zahl der Verträge

Auch Dokumentenscans können inhaltlich geprüft werden

Mehrsprachige Lösungen sind möglich

KI-Services werden im EU-Rechtsraum erbracht

Flexible Umsetzung mit spezialisierten Juristen oder Juristen des Kunden

Our Partners 

Our DORA consultants guide and support you to ensure your organization meets more complex requirements such as more comprehensive risk management, threat intelligence gathering and advanced security testing.

We support you in the necessary legally compliant setup with:

The Digital Operational Resilience Act (DORA) is a regulation of the European Parliament and Council on the operational stability of digital systems in the financial sector that is in the legislative process. It defines uniform requirements for the security of network and information systems in the entire financial sector, and their local and international ICT partners are also affected! Thus  further developments of the delivery models for IT services are also included, e.g. B. Cloud Services and Infrastructure-as-a-Service. DORA aims to improve information security and strengthen the digital operational resilience of European financial companies . Implementation in national law and regulation is in progress, Banks, insurance companies and ICT service providers must implement the new information security requirements. Early preparation is key to achieving compliant status in a timely manner and avoiding fines. 

Digital Resilience (DORA)
Consistently secure 

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