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Company Policy

The Code of Conduct of Opexa Advisory GmbH (Opexa) is both a binding framework and orientation for daily actions and decisions within the company. Within this framework, each individual is called upon to take responsibility themselves and thus act with integrity, reliability and fairness. Our managers are called upon to act as role models and to support their employees in complying with our code of conduct.

We expect all officers, employees, partners, representatives and stakeholders to demonstrate integrity, honesty and fairness in all business dealings.

This behavior and these properties under the umbrella of our brand enables us to operate a sustainable national and international business with positive effects on our clients, the industry and our environment.

It is our core values that allow us to earn the trust of our customers. The codes of ethics must be observed at all times and all individuals are responsible for promoting these among themselves.

In particular, the following should be mentioned:

  • The staff and its representatives ensure at all times that the highest level of quality is delivered to our clients

  • Employees and their representatives must not initiate or accept any monies or gifts which could be construed as a form of bribery.

  • We always prepare audit assessments and effectiveness analyzes impartially and impartially with the utmost care

  • To avoid conflicts of interest, our employees and the partners we engage never provide consulting and auditing services for the same companies

  • Employees and their representatives will at all times respect and obey the laws of the country in which they operate

  • In addition to local laws, our employees follow internal regulations and personal instructions, and data protection for personal data is also observed

  • Our employees and their representatives behave with respect and care at all times

  • The employees and their representatives always strive to have a positive impact on society, the economy and the environment in accordance with the UN Charter for Sustainability with its 17 development goals

Code of Conduct

For the sake of readability, we have largely avoided gender-specific language in all our publications and documents. Of course, both women and men as well as diverse individuals are always included, even if only one gender is explicitly addressed.

Gender Policy 

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